Community Foundation Announces ArtsEverywhere Grants
Close to $200,000 Awarded in Fall 2022 Grants Cycle

As part of its 2022 fall grants cycle, the Community Foundation of St. Joseph County has awarded close to $200,000 in ArtsEverywhere grants to local nonprofit arts organizations.
ArtsEverywhere grants are designed to raise artistic quality, strengthen volunteer and staff leadership, enhance the capacity of arts organizations and the arts community, foster and support local talent, and inspire community pride.
An ArtsEverywhere Major Venture grant was made to:
- South Bend Youth Symphony Orchestras: $150,000 (payable over three years)
South Bend Youth Symphony Orchestras, Fischoff Chamber Music Academy, and Saint Mary’s College will use this grant to support a collaborative two-week summer music camp that will involve coordination among all three groups. The Dake Summer Music Academy, created by the South Bend Symphony, ran for twenty summers between 1997-2017. The end of this program left a vacuum for chamber music and orchestral summer camps serving grade 6-12 students in the South Bend area. This camp aims to fill that void and will take place at Saint Mary’s College.
ArtsEverywhere grants in this cycle focused on annual programming support and key annual event funding were made to:
- WNIT: $15,000
This grant will support multiple programs that WNIT airs to support the arts in St. Joseph County. As a PBS station, WNIT brings the highest-quality national arts performances to local audiences to inspire and entertain through weekly episodes of Experience Michiana and local performances like Live from ND, Arts at IUSB series, holiday shows from local groups, the Fischoff National Chamber Music Competition, and more. - The Music Village: $7,500
This funding will provide support for The Music Village (TMV), including opportunities to learn about, experience, and participate in music and dance programming. TMV’s offerings include virtual and in-person music lessons, dance classes, group programs, jams, concerts, camps, after school programs, and more. - Patchwork Dance: $3,500
Funds will support Patchwork Dance Company’s (PDC) 2023 season, including a spring concert in March 2023; a fall concert and visual arts event “Artistic Fusion,” to be held September 2023; and a holiday concert, “Christopher’s Christmas,” to be held December 2023.
ArtsEverywhere grants focused on other project support were made to the following organizations:
- WVPE: $8,000
This grant will provide support for production of “The Sauce,” a one-hour monthly radio broadcast/podcast focusing on arts, music, and culture. “The Sauce,” with host Dawn Burns, is produced locally by Karl Smith and designed to support diverse artistic expressions of our local talent, inspiring their efforts, and placing their work in context with nationally recognized creators.
- Inspire Mishawaka: $2,500
This grant funding will support “Third Thursdays in the Mish,” events held on the third Thursday of every month by Inspire Mishawaka. Restaurants, small businesses, musicians, artists, performers, and public spaces come together to create a vibrant atmosphere in downtown Mishawaka and the riverfront district.
An ArtsEverywhere grant focused on capacity building was made to the following organization:
- South Bend Lyric Opera: $9,000
In accordance with the South Bend Lyric Opera (SBLO)’s strategic planning process, begun in mid-2022, this capacity-building grant funding will provide support for professional consultants and the training necessary to ensure the SBLO’s continued growth.
Since 1992, the Community Foundation of St. Joseph County has been connecting people who care with causes that matter. A nonprofit philanthropic endowment, the Community Foundation serves the people of St. Joseph County through initiatives and grantmaking in the areas of arts and culture, health and human services, youth and education, community development, and parks, recreation, and environment.