Community Foundation Offers Free Guide to Planning Your Will
Guide Helps You Gather the Information Your Attorney Will Need

Everyone knows—or should know—the importance of having a will.
A will helps ensure your wishes are known and followed and that the assets you spent a lifetime accumulating are distributed as you intend. A will also addresses such important issues as identifying who you want to manage your estate, be guardian of your dependent children, and make healthcare decisions if you are unable to act on your own behalf.
Even so, most of us—an estimated 70%—do not have a will. We tend to put it off because it all seems too complicated.
At the Community Foundation of St. Joseph County, we believe that everyone should have a will.
Because of that, we offer the free “Provide and Protect: A Guide to Planning Your Will and Trust” on our website. In easy-to-understand language, this 24-page guide walks you through the process of collecting and organizing the information you’ll need to share with your attorney in order to create a will. You can download it at no cost.
Your conversation with your attorney should go more smoothly and efficiently if you complete this guide in advance. Also, it can help you find ways to include philanthropy in your will. Most Americans contribute regularly to a favorite charity or cause—often more than one. This guide helps describe ways you can include your favorite charity or cause in your will.
We hope you find this resource useful. We encourage you to complete it and meet with a qualified attorney to put your will in place. You’ll value the peace of mind it creates.