Youth-Serving and Mentoring Organizations
You and your staff are trusted partners of young people and families who might qualify for the 21st Century Scholar program. The links below should help you both enroll eligible students and support them as they complete the necessary steps to earn their scholarships.
- 30-minute informational video session (targeted for youth-serving organizations)
- Program eligibility: Full eligibility info
- Financial eligibility: English
- Enrollment link
- One-page high school SSP 12-step guide
- Enrollment Promotion Materials
- Info Flyers: English, Spanish (other languages available)
- PowerPoint Presentation: Sample
- YouTube Videos: English; Spanish (approx. 5 mins)
- Brochures: English
- Communication Templates for Enrollment: Email, phone call, text wording
- This flyer has tips for local businesses to promote the 21st Century Scholars program. The second side is basic info about the program, designed to be shared with employees and/or customers
- How to create a ScholarTrack account (for students)
- Creating a new ScholarTrack account (step by step with screen shots)
- FAQ for high school students about completing required program steps
- Enrollment outreach peer sharing (Navarre)
Helping a student with the FAFSA?
- FAFSA basics
- What information do families need to file FAFSA?
- Information about College Goal Sunday, a free, one-on-one FAFSA assistance event held twice a year in November and March
- INvestEd: Free phone and email FAFSA assistance available in English and Spanish: 317-715-9007 or email