21st Century Scholar Success Initiative Partner Resources

First, a big THANK YOU to all of our Coalition partners who are helping us register and support 21st Century Scholars here in St. Joseph County! Below, you’ll find links to tools that can be used to share information about the program and support our existing Scholars.
You’ll find all the state’s information about the 21st Century Scholars Program at the Learn More Indiana website.
St. Joseph County-specific communications resources (including local videos!) are here.
Dashboards showing school-level registration and completion data for St. Joseph County is available below.
- December 2024 Dashboard
- September 2024 Dashboard
- June 2024 Dashboard
- April 2024 Dashboard
- December 2023 Dashboard
- June 2023 Dashboard
- April 2023 Dashboard
- January 2023 Dashboard
- September 30, 2022 Dashboard
- June 30, 2022 Dashboard
- March 31, 2022 Dashboard
- December 31, 2021 Dashboard
- September 30, 2021 Dashboard
- June 30, 2021 Dashboard
- March 31, 2021 Dashboard
- December 31, 2020 Dashboard
- September 30, 2020 Dashboard
We’ve also bundled resources based on audience:
- Middle School Teachers and Counselors
- High School Teachers and Counselors
- Youth-Serving and Mentoring Organizations
- Higher Education Partners
- Spanish Language Resources
Communication Tools
We’re all working together on the 21st Century Scholars program, and we want our organization-specific communications to be as consistent as possible, with the same look, feel, and messaging. These resources are designed to help.
If you have questions about how to use these materials or need additional items you don’t see here, contact our Communications team. We’ll continue to add materials as they are created!
- Learn about our 21st Century Fellowship (YouTube)
- Meet 21st Century Scholar Fellow Reagan Ayala (YouTube) Reagan is a graduate of John Adams High School and IU South Bend
- Meet 21st Century Scholar Fellow Julian Garcilazo (You Tube) Julian is a graduate of St. Joseph High School graduate and Holy Cross College; this video is especially good for parents
- St. Joseph County-specific logo in .jpg and .gif formats. (For an .eps or .ai file, please contact our Communications team through this form, or call us at 574-232-0041.) Use this logo whenever possible in your 21st Century Scholar communications in print or digital formats.
- St. Joseph County-specific email banner, in .jpg format. This is a great common factor for all the diverse emails our organizations send. You can add your organization’s specific contact information in the footer, or directly below the banner.
- This QR code leads directly to the Enrollment page and can be dropped into any print communication.
- This .png color bar incorporates the 21st Century Scholars/Learn More Indiana palette and can be used as a digital art element as directed in the Style Guide (below).
- Created by the Indiana Commission on Higher Education, this Style Guide for its 21st Century Scholar materials includes PMS colors, typeface direction, and more. This is useful for partner organizations who have access to professional designers and want to create additional materials to promote 21st Century Scholars in St. Joseph County.
- One-page Highlights of the VOX Communication Plan, emphasizing the primary recommendations and umbrella messaging
- The full VOX Communication Plan (20 pages), which includes full details of the background research that created the Plan as well as more granular messaging and action items
- The 21st Century Scholar Success Initiative communications calendar, created by VOX. This Excel file is designed to be a “living document” that your organization can modify to fit your needs. It covers a calendar year and includes suggestions for specific outreach throughout that time frame, color-coded to reflect responsibilities. We will review the calendar annually to try and make it as useful as possible. Here’s a .pdf copy for anyone who doesn’t have access to Excel.
- This flyer has tips for local businesses to promote the 21st Century Scholars program. The second side is basic info about the program, designed to be shared with employees and/or customers.
If there’s information that you need that you can’t find here, let us know. Email our Program staff or call us at (574) 232-0041.